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The Holidays have come and Gone!

I feel like I was just writing the Thanksgiving post! The three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas always go so fast. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. We were so busy in the art room in December and I just didn't document very much. Third and fourth grade have been working on their clay projects and fifth graders have finally all officially finished their shoe projects!

IF YOU DIDN'T HEAR....We won $2000 for extra art supplies from a contest put on by Crayola!! I shared a video we made back in October about why art matters to us at LP. People voted and they thought we deserved the money! Thank you to anyone who voted, it means everything to us!! Mrs. Desimone's class was with me when I got the call and needless to say they were exited too. Check out the video below!!

3rd Grade:

Third graders learned the three basic clay techniques any ceramicist needs to know! Ask them about PINCH POTS, COILS and SLIP & SCORE! Our clay projects dried out over break, have been fired in the kiln and are now ready to paint. We will be painting our projects over the next two weeks.


4th Grade:

Fourth graders reviewed the three basic clay techniques any ceramicist needs to know! Ask them about PINCH POTS, COILS and SLIP & SCORE! They had the option to create a clay project of their choice. All they had to do was incorporate the three techniques. Our clay projects dried out over break, have been fired in the kiln and are now ready to paint. We will be painting our projects over the next two weeks.


5th Grade:

Fifth grades finally finished their shoe projects! They have created such imaginative designs with strong craftsmanship, and I am so proud of them. We started looking at all the shoes and having an "Art Critique", or a conversation about art we made. Each class looked at another class' shoes and gave feedback and things they thought each person did well. We used our iPads to vote on our favorites. The top two will be making their designs into real shoes with me. Hopefully we will know by the end of next week!

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