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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year LP Families! I hope you enjoyed your holiday time with your kiddos! I am excited to return and we are getting right back to work. Each grade is close to finishing projects we started before break. When these projects are complete we will be moving on to the busiest, but my personal favorite time of year....Paper Mache time! Building 3-Dimensionally continues to be our students' favorite type of project each year! Until then, enjoy a few photos of our first week and a half back in the New Year.

3rd Grade

Third graders have been learning about the color families and color mixing! Please ask them about the PRIMARY COLORS (Red, Yellow and Blue) and the SECONDARY COLORS (Purple, Green and Orange). Students learned that you can use just the primary colors to make any of the secondary colors. We had a challenge to see who could draw the funniest faces, then we practiced mixing the primaries to get the secondaries on our funny faces. Next week we will be painting our clay pots with paints we mix ourselves!

4th Grade

4th graders are continuing their Super Hero Self-Portrait project, part of our Who We Are PYP planner! They learned that "people of different races, ages and genders have made contributions to their communities that last a lifetime". On the art side of things, they learned gesture drawing, or how to draw people. Next they have created their super hero persona and have chosen a "cause" that they would like to use their super powers to help! They are finding that drawing people is not easy and takes a lot of "drawing stamina" and persistence. Students are painting their backgrounds for their super hero self portraits. Another week and we should be seeing some finished products!

5th Grade

5th graders continue to finish up their Emoji designs, part of our How We Express Ourselves PYP planner. Students learned that "people use unique language to communicate different perspectives". In the age of technology emojis are everywhere! Students have created some extremely unique emojis that express who they are. Students have also learned how to use colored pencils to create different "VALUES" or shades in their drawing. This means when done correctly, their drawings will have a three-dimensional quality to them! Students learned that light creates value. Most classes should be finished up next week!

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